• May 25, 2023 10:10 am
  • Hyderabad

Laser hair reduction involves the reduction of facial or body hair with laser light Lasers produce intense light that is absorbed by the pigment in hair. The melanin absorbs the light and heats up. This heat damages the hair follicle without hurting the surrounding tissue. The damaged hair follicle stops producing hair or replaces thick about hair with a fine, light-coloured hair (Vellus Hair). Traclitional hair removal methods, such as waxing, shaving, and plucking, remove only the hair shaft. This leaves the hair follicle in place to grow new hair. Electrolysis delivers an electrical current to each follicle that can lead to permanent hair removal; however, it is painful anal slow and usually requires multiple treatments over months or years

Laser hair removal is a safe, effective, and convenient alternative to other methods. Lasers can treat large areas quickly. Improvements may be seen after only one treatment, but repeat treatments ore required to achieve desired results.


  • Category : Health & Beauty Items



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